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Boat/parts request form
So you're ready to order your Expandacraft boat, kit, or components?
Please fill out the form below to the best of your knowledge. The reason we ask so many detailed questions on this form is to ensure that you get all the parts and components that you need specifically for you and your set up. Expandacraft is personalized for each customer so this order form ensures that we are all on the same page as to what you want and you are happy with the end results!
We have attached a drop down menu to this page with frequently asked questions to help you through the ordering process. Please review this information prior to submitting your order request to assure that you have ordered everything you need for your dream Expandacraft Modular Boat!
Shipping is not built into the cost of Expandacraft and varies depending on shipping location and size and weight of what you order. Please provide your complete shipping address and a phone number below. A member of our staff will reach out to you within 1-2 business days with a full shipping quote.
Feel free to click through the tabs below to view some of our most frequently asked questions.
The Expandacraft was designed with a wave piercing bow which has several benefits. Tracking straight through a wave even at an angle is effortless and pitching motion is dampened. Drag in rough water is dramatically reduced compared to a typical kayak. A ridge along the bottom of Expandacraft hull parts also gives lateral resistance making them great for sailing up wind.
Expandacraft hull parts are unique in that storage and transport is made easy! Store your Expandacraft in the back seat of your car, in a closet, on a roof rack, or just in the trunk! No loading ramp needed.
Many adaptable options including for sailing, pedal-drive, sliding rowing rig, and so much more! With Expandacraft, the only limitation is your imagination! See our photo gallery to scroll through the many previous client or Expandacraft Rental fleet boat set ups for inspiration.
Expandacraft outriggers are adaptable for you and your boat depending on your needs. Click here to view our blog post that talks in depth about how to choose the right size outrigger for you!
Center Section 11 lbs
Bow/Stern Section 7.5 lbs
Each section is about 4 ft long
Hull width at widest point 10 inches.
At waterline, 6 to 8 inches depending on load
Draft 3 to 6 inches depending on load
Each bow/stern part displaces 40 pounds
Each center part displaces 80 pounds
Capacity varies depending on boat choice, but is labeled in each product description.
For shipping measurements/pricing chart related to each individual product, please click here.
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